Biological cleaning solutions are effectively implemented
Supply of kitchen cleaning product to Nina Hospitality
- Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West
- 01/02/2020
Supply of Biofixit Grease Clean Powder and Biofixit Bioblock to Waylung Wastes Services Limited (Festival Walk)
- Waylung Wastes Services Limited
- 01/06/2019
Supply of Biofixit Grease Clean Powder and Biofixit Bioblock to L’hotel group
- L’hotel Causeway Bay Harbour View
- 01/02/2020
Supply of Biofixit Bioblock and Biofixit Bioblock Small to LBS Group
- LBS Group
- 30/11/2019
Supply of Microbial Odour Arresting Agents (MOAA) to contain the foul odour problem at aqua privies (APs) for Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
- Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
- 30/08/2017
EIL has awarded the contract of supply of Microbial Odour Arresting Agents (MOAA) for application in septic tanks in some rural areas for odour control. 國際環保有限公司獲得食物環境衛生署的微生物氣味控制代理( MOAA )合同, 供應產品處理於郊區的化糞池氣味問題。
Supply of Bio-chemical Odour Control Concentrates (BOCC) for Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
- Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
- 15/09/2016
EIL has awarded the contract of the supply of BOCC for Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. 國際環保有限公司獲得食物環境衛生署 BOCC供應合同。
Bio-chemical dosing to Food Outlets and Grease Traps at Taikoo Place
- Taikoo Place
- 01/03/2017
EIL has awarded the contract for the supply of grease traps treatment products and services of chemical dosing to undersinks at Taikoo Place and Taikoo Shing. 國際環保有限公司獲得太古坊合約提供隔油池處理產品及化學加藥服務。
Supply the Biofixit 5400GC and Biofixit 5700SO in Fujian Province. China
- Fujian Province, China
- 01/01/2017
EIL has awarded the contract for the supply the Biofixit 5400GC and Biofixit 5700SO to a tannery factory in Fukien Province, China. 在中國福建省某製革廠供應百保博士5400GC和5700SO
Biofixit 5400GC and Biofixit 5700SO (百保博士5400GC和5700SO)
Supply and Installation of Biofixit Odour Management System in Hong Kong
- Domain Mall
- 01/09/2016
Supply and Installation of Biofixit Odour Management System in Hong Kong. 於香港供應及安裝百保博士氣味管理系統
Supply and Installation of Biofixit Odour Management System in Hong Kong. 於香港供應及安裝百保博士氣味管理系統
Supply and Installation of Biofixit Odour Management System in Hong Kong.於香港供應及安裝百保博士氣味管理系統
Supply and Installation of Biofixit Odour Management System in Hong Kong.於香港供應及安裝百保博士氣味管理系統